Financial Aid
You Can Afford Ascension
Because we provide generous financial aid, Ascension is affordable for all families! We will work with you to make your payments manageable.
Ascension Catholic School does have excellent Financial Aid packages. Families requesting to pay less than $50 a month per scholar will be required to fill out a financial aid application, provide the current year’s tax returns, and submit pay stubs from their last two pay periods. It is a requirement that all parents be active in all facets of the school such as participating in fundraisers like the Marathon and the Kiddie Karnival, Parent Participation Hours, Core Knowledge Nights, attendance at the Christmas Program, and other school activities.
In support of NAZ and Ascension Catholic School’s commitment to provide high-quality and accessible education to families in the NAZ zone, NAZ scholars can attend Ascension Catholic School under a full-tuition scholarship. NAZ families are responsible for all other school fees… non-NAZ latchkey, Marathon, Kiddie Karnival, Youth Center, field trips, etc.
Parent Participation Hours
We ask that all families contribute at least 20 Parent Participation Hours, which can be earned by basic involvement and support of our school community. Parents or family members aged 18 years or older may complete these 20 hours of service per year of school. Each family keeps track of their hours worked throughout the school year on the Verification Form provided. The Verification Form must be turned into the school office.
Parents who choose not to complete the required 20 hours of service will be billed $5 for every hour not completed.