No Buses Today! // ¡No hay autobuses hoy!
School is still in session, there will just be no buses. Please make arrangements to get your scholar(s) to school and to be picked up from school. // La escuela todavía está en sesión, simplemente no habrá autobuses. Por favor haga arreglos para llevar a su(s) estudiante(s) a la escuela y para que lo recojan […]
Spring Picture Day / Día de la fotografía de primavera
Scholars who are getting their pictures taken may be out-of-uniform.//Los académicos a quienes les toman fotografías pueden no llevar uniforme.
School Mass – 1st Grade Leading in Participation // Misa Escolar – 1er Grado Liderando en Participación
1st Grade Leading in Participation of Mass. Mass will be in person at the Church of the Ascension. All scholars will be present. // Liderazgo de 1er grado en la participación de la misa. La misa será en persona en la Iglesia de la Ascensión. Todos los estudiosos estarán presentes.
Spring MAP Testing Window // Periodo de prueba MAP de primavera
The NWEA MAP tests measure what students know and how they are growing academically - to help teachers develop strategies for equitable instruction that maximizes every learner's potential. Every child […]
Spring MAP Testing Window // Periodo de prueba MAP de primavera
The NWEA MAP tests measure what students know and how they are growing academically - to help teachers develop strategies for equitable instruction that maximizes every learner's potential. Every child […]
Spring MAP Testing Window // Periodo de prueba MAP de primavera
The NWEA MAP tests measure what students know and how they are growing academically - to help teachers develop strategies for equitable instruction that maximizes every learner's potential. Every child can learn and grow. NWEA solutions help educators make it happen. // Las pruebas NWEA MAP miden lo que saben los estudiantes y cómo están […]
School Mass – Kindergarten Leading in Participation //
Kindergarten Leading in Participation of Mass. Mass will be in person at the Church of the Ascension. All scholars will be present. // Kindergarten Liderando en la Participación de la Misa. La Misa será en persona en la Iglesia de la Ascensión. Todos los estudiosos estarán presentes.
Ascension K-8 Open House // Casa Abierta de Ascensión K-8
Please join us for our PreK-8th grade open house! Our event is for our current families as well as anyone who may be interested in touring around our school! For our current families – you can also turn in your Family Participation Hours if you have them to turn in. Reminder you need 20 Participation […]
No School for Scholars // No hay escuela para eruditos
There is no school for scholars today, this is a teacher work day. // Hoy no hay escuela para escolares, este es un día de trabajo docente.
School Mass – 7th Grade Leading in Participation // Misa Escolar – 6to Grado Liderando en Participación
7th Grade Leading in Participation of Mass. Mass will be in person at the Church of the Ascension. All scholars will be present. // Séptimo grado liderando la participación en la misa. La misa será en persona en la Iglesia de la Ascensión. Todos los académicos estarán presentes.
First Day of SLAM // Primer día de SLAM
More information to come! // Más información por venir!