
Scholastic Book Fair // Feria del Libro Escolar

Scholars will have time throughout the week to create a wishlist and to purchase books from the book fair during the school day. More information to come. // Los estudiantes tendrán tiempo durante la semana para crear una lista de deseos y comprar libros de la feria del libro durante el día escolar. Más información […]

St. Valentine’s Day // Día de San Valentín

Scholars may bring Valentine's for their class to school. Please remember we are a SUGAR FREE school. If you send your scholar with treats to accompany the valentines, please make […]

Late Night Book Fair! // ¡Feria del libro nocturna!

1726 Dupont Ave N, Minneapolis, MN 55411, USA, Ascension Club Building-1-Youth Center (100)

The Scholastic Book Fair will once again be at Ascension! We will have it open until 5:30 pm. We will also have an information table for the Trust Project as […]

No Buses Today! // ¡No hay autobuses hoy!

Please make sure you plan on how your scholar(s) will get to school today. // Asegúrese de planificar cómo su(s) estudiante(s) llegará(n) a la escuela hoy.

No School! // ¡No hay clases!

There will be no school today. Teachers and staff have a professional development day. // No habrá escuela hoy. Los maestros y el personal tienen un día de desarrollo profesional.

Aim Higher Notifications Go Out // Apunta más alto Las notificaciones salen

If you filled out the Aim Higher Scholarship, keep an eye on your email to see if your scholar was awarded! Note: The email will come from the Aim Higher team, not from Ascension. // Si completó la Beca Aim Higher, ¡esté atento a su correo electrónico para ver si su becario fue otorgado! Nota: […]

Spring MAPs Testing Window // Ventana de prueba de Spring MAP

Please make sure your scholar is getting enough sleep and eating breakfast or to school early enough to eat breakfast here. // Asegúrese de que su estudiante duerma lo suficiente y desayune o que llegue a la escuela lo suficientemente temprano para desayunar aquí.

Ascension K-8 Open House // Casa Abierta de Ascensión K-8

1726 Dupont Ave N, Minneapolis, MN 55411, USA

Please join us for our PreK-8th grade open house! Our event is for our current families as well as anyone who may be interested in touring around our school!  For […]

2#1 – Fort Snelling // 2#1 – fuerte snelling

Historic Fort Snelling, 200 Tower Ave, St Paul, MN 55111, USA

Please connect with Ms. Velez if your scholar still needs a permission slip. This field trip is only for Ms. Velez's second grade class. They bought it with their Patriot […]

K-2nd – Como Park Zoo // K-2nd – Parque zoológico de Como

Como Park Zoo & Conservatory, 1225 Estabrook Dr, St Paul, MN 55103, USA

Please connect with your scholar's teacher to get a field trip permission slip. // Comuníquese con el maestro de su estudiante para obtener un formulario de permiso para la excursión.