
Ascension K-8 Open House // Casa Abierta de Ascensión K-8

Please join us for our PreK-8th grade open house! Our event is for our current families as well as anyone who may be interested in touring around our school!  For our current families - you can also turn in your Family Participation Hours if you have them to turn in. Reminder you need 20 Participation […]

2#1 – Fort Snelling // 2#1 – fuerte snelling

Please connect with Ms. Velez if your scholar still needs a permission slip. This field trip is only for Ms. Velez's second grade class. They bought it with their Patriot Pesos (positive behavior incentive).  // Comuníquese con la Sra. Vélez si su estudiante aún necesita una hoja de permiso. Esta excursión es solo para la […]

Block Party & Registration // Fiesta de barrio y registro

Please join us for our Back-to-School Block Party! There will be food and games for the entire family. You can also fill out paperwork and purchase used uniforms.  // ¡Únase a nosotros para nuestra fiesta de regreso a la escuela! Habrá comida y juegos para toda la familia. También puede completar el papeleo y comprar […]

First Day of School! // ¡Primer dia de escuela!

Reminder - School starts at 7:30 am, breakfast opens at 7:15 am. School is dismissed at 1:45 pm.  // Recordatorio - la escuela comienza a las 7:30 am, el desayuno abre a las 7:15 am. La escuela se despide a la 1:45 pm.

Fall MAP Testing Window // Período de prueba MAP de otoño

The NWEA MAP tests measure what students know and how they are growing academically - to help teachers develop strategies for equitable instruction that maximizes every learner's potential. Every child can learn and grow. NWEA solutions help educators make it happen.  //  Las pruebas NWEA MAP miden lo que saben los estudiantes y cómo están […]

Parent Orientation Night // Noche de orientación para padres

We will meet in the gym where Mr. Matias will cover general school information, highlight changes, and go over expectations. Please make arrangements accordingly to have a parent/guardian/adult attend. //Nos reuniremos en el gimnasio donde el Sr. Matías cubrirá información general de la escuela, resaltará los cambios y repasará las expectativas.Por favor haga los arreglos correspondientes para […]

Fall MAP Testing Window // Período de prueba MAP de otoño

The NWEA MAP tests measure what students know and how they are growing academically - to help teachers develop strategies for equitable instruction that maximizes every learner's potential. Every child can learn and grow. NWEA solutions help educators make it happen.  //  Las pruebas NWEA MAP miden lo que saben los estudiantes y cómo están […]


Ascension School’s Marathon for Nonpublic Education is happening Saturday, Oct. 14 from 10am-noon.  This is the biggest fundraiser our scholars and families do for the school. It is being held […]

MEA No School! // MEA ¡No hay escuela!

There is no school for scholars during this time. There is however, going to be conferences, more information to come on that.  // No hay escuela para estudiantes durante este […]

No Buses Today! // ¡No hay autobuses hoy!

School is still in session, there will just be no buses. Please make arrangements to get your scholar(s) to school and to be picked up from school.  // La escuela […]

No Buses Today! // ¡No hay autobuses hoy!

School is still in session, there will just be no buses. Please make arrangements to get your scholar(s) to school and to be picked up from school.  // La escuela […]

No Buses Today! // ¡No hay autobuses hoy!

School is still in session, there will just be no buses. Please make arrangements to get your scholar(s) to school and to be picked up from school.  // La escuela […]

No Buses Today! // ¡No hay autobuses hoy!

School is still in session, there will just be no buses. Please make arrangements to get your scholar(s) to school and to be picked up from school.  // La escuela […]

Christmas Break // Descanso navideño

Christmas Break is December 21, 2023 through January 1, 2024. Scholars and Staff will return on Tuesday, January 2, 2024.  // Las vacaciones de Navidad son del 21 de diciembre […]

Christmas Break // Descanso navideño

Christmas Break is December 21, 2023 through January 1, 2024. Scholars and Staff will return on Tuesday, January 2, 2024.  // Las vacaciones de Navidad son del 21 de diciembre […]

Christmas Break // Descanso navideño

Christmas Break is December 21, 2023 through January 1, 2024. Scholars and Staff will return on Tuesday, January 2, 2024.  // Las vacaciones de Navidad son del 21 de diciembre […]

School Resumes! // ¡Resumen de la escuela!

Reminder - School starts at 7:30 am, breakfast opens at 7:15 am. School is dismissed at 1:45 pm.  // Recordatorio - la escuela comienza a las 7:30 am, el desayuno […]