
Aim Higher Scholarship Application Closes // Se cierra la solicitud de beca Aim Higher

Aim Higher Scholarship Application for the 2022-2023 school year closes today! Make sure you get your application in to get a $1,000 scholarship. Please see attachments below in English and Spanish.//¡La solicitud de beca Aim Higher para el año escolar 2022-2023 cierra hoy! Asegúrese de enviar su solicitud para obtener una beca de $1,000. Consulte […]

Service of the Word with Distribution of Ashes – 1st Grade Leading in Participation // Servicio de la Palabra con Reparto de Cenizas – 1er Grado Liderando en Participación

Ash Wednesday Celebration - Starting the Season of Lent, remembering we started as dust and to dust we shall return. 1st Grade Leading in Participation of Service of the Word with Distribution of Ashes. Service of the Word with Distribution of Ashes will be in person at the Church of the Ascension. All scholars will be present. //Celebración del […]

Last day to turn in Mississippi River Green Team Applications! // ¡Último día para entregar las solicitudes del Equipo Verde del Río Mississippi!

Does your scholar like the outdoors and need a summer job? Mississippi River Green Team members take care of our river and parkes, learn job skills, explore environmental careers and earn money! The scholar would work two-year round program that is 9-weeks, full time in the summer and have a monthly meeting during the school […]

No School! // ¡No hay clases!

There will be no school today. Teachers and staff have a professional development day. // No habrá escuela hoy. Los maestros y el personal tienen un día de desarrollo profesional.

Aim Higher Notifications Go Out // Apunta más alto Las notificaciones salen

If you filled out the Aim Higher Scholarship, keep an eye on your email to see if your scholar was awarded! Note: The email will come from the Aim Higher team, not from Ascension. // Si completó la Beca Aim Higher, ¡esté atento a su correo electrónico para ver si su becario fue otorgado! Nota: […]

Spring MAPs Testing Window // Ventana de prueba de Spring MAP

Please make sure your scholar is getting enough sleep and eating breakfast or to school early enough to eat breakfast here. // Asegúrese de que su estudiante duerma lo suficiente y desayune o que llegue a la escuela lo suficientemente temprano para desayunar aquí.

Spring MAPs Testing Window // Ventana de prueba de Spring MAP

Please make sure your scholar is getting enough sleep and eating breakfast or to school early enough to eat breakfast here. // Asegúrese de que su estudiante duerma lo suficiente y desayune o que llegue a la escuela lo suficientemente temprano para desayunar aquí.

Spring MAPs Testing Window // Ventana de prueba de Spring MAP

Please make sure your scholar is getting enough sleep and eating breakfast or to school early enough to eat breakfast here. // Asegúrese de que su estudiante duerma lo suficiente y desayune o que llegue a la escuela lo suficientemente temprano para desayunar aquí.


Please remember to celebrate our teachers this week (and always) for all the amazing hard work they do. We are so grateful to have all of our teachers and staff here at Ascension! // Recuerde celebrar a nuestros maestros esta semana (y siempre) por todo el increíble trabajo duro que hacen. ¡Estamos muy agradecidos de […]

Ascension K-8 Open House // Casa Abierta de Ascensión K-8

1726 Dupont Ave N, Minneapolis, MN 55411, USA

Please join us for our PreK-8th grade open house! Our event is for our current families as well as anyone who may be interested in touring around our school!  For our current families - you can also turn in your Family Participation Hours if you have them to turn in. Reminder you need 20 Participation […]