No School! // ¡No hay clases!
There will be no school today. Teachers and staff have a professional development day. // No habrá escuela hoy. Los maestros y el personal tienen un día de desarrollo profesional.
There will be no school today. Teachers and staff have a professional development day. // No habrá escuela hoy. Los maestros y el personal tienen un día de desarrollo profesional.
Ready Set Smile provides free preventative dental care to our scholars who have signed up for it. If you have questions about signing up, please reach out to Mrs. Carpenter […]
Scholastic Book Fair // Feria del Libro Escolar The Scholastic Book Fair will take place from November 4 - 8 at Ascension Catholic School. Our Book Fair offers eWallet, a […]
School is still in session, but there won’t be any buses. Please make arrangements to get your scholar(s) to school and to be picked up from school. // La escuela todavía está en sesión, simplemente no habrá autobuses.
Mass will be in person at the Church of the Ascension. All scholars will be present. // La misa será presencial en la Iglesia de la Ascensión. Todos los estudiosos estarán presentes."
More details to come. // Más detalles por venir.
Ready Set Smile provides free preventative dental care to our scholars who have signed up for it. If you have questions about signing up, please reach out to Mrs. Carpenter at [email protected]. // Ready Set Smile brinda atención dental preventiva gratuita a nuestros estudiantes que se han registrado para recibirla. Si tiene preguntas sobre cómo […]
Scholars MUST come in uniforms. // Los estudiantes DEBEN venir en uniforme.