3-8 Christmas Program // Programa de Navidad 3-8
The Christmas Program will be in the church. // El Programa de Navidad será en la iglesia.
The Christmas Program will be in the church. // El Programa de Navidad será en la iglesia.
School is still in session, there will just be no buses. Please make arrangements to get your scholar(s) to school and to be picked up from school. // La escuela todavía está en sesión, simplemente no habrá autobuses. Por favor haga arreglos para llevar a su(s) estudiante(s) a la escuela y para que lo recojan […]
5th Grade Leading in Participation of Mass. Mass will be in person at the Church of the Ascension. All scholars will be present. // Liderazgo de 5to grado en la participación de la Misa. La Misa será en persona en la Iglesia de la Ascensión. Todos los estudiosos estarán presentes.
School is still in session, there will just be no buses. Please make arrangements to get your scholar(s) to school and to be picked up from school. // La escuela todavía está en sesión, simplemente no habrá autobuses. Por favor haga arreglos para llevar a su(s) estudiante(s) a la escuela y para que lo recojan […]
School is still in session, there will just be no buses. Please make arrangements to get your scholar(s) to school and to be picked up from school. // La escuela […]
School is still in session, there will just be no buses. Please make arrangements to get your scholar(s) to school and to be picked up from school. // La escuela […]
Christmas Break is December 21, 2023 through January 1, 2024. Scholars and Staff will return on Tuesday, January 2, 2024. // Las vacaciones de Navidad son del 21 de diciembre […]
Christmas Break is December 21, 2023 through January 1, 2024. Scholars and Staff will return on Tuesday, January 2, 2024. // Las vacaciones de Navidad son del 21 de diciembre […]
Christmas Break is December 21, 2023 through January 1, 2024. Scholars and Staff will return on Tuesday, January 2, 2024. // Las vacaciones de Navidad son del 21 de diciembre […]
Reminder - School starts at 7:30 am, breakfast opens at 7:15 am. School is dismissed at 1:45 pm. // Recordatorio - la escuela comienza a las 7:30 am, el desayuno […]